
"Words are not enough to describe the beauty of Ericeira, sometimes only what is visible to the eye is possible to understand."



Hi I'm Gonçalo Plácido

WEST WATER, was born from two great passions: riding a good barrel and photography. When I was 8 years old I caught my first waves on a foam board and 20 years later I photographed for the first time in the water. My passion for surfing comes from a childhood spent by the sea in Ericeira.

For me, this is the place I call home as it is where my friends, family and some of the surf athletes I most admire are. It derives from the fact that I have always felt like a fish out of water. I am also an underwater photographer, portraying what is under the surface of the big blue. The goal of WEST WATER is to capture all the wonderful moments you might get a chance to experience in Ericeira's Ocean.

This is my world, my work, and what I believe in.


  • Land-Based Surf Photography
  • In-Water Surf Photography
  • Aerial Photography with Drones
  • Surf Videos
  • Surf Event Photography
  • Surf Photography Classes



World Surfing Reserve


10 Years of the World Surfing Reserve

On October 14, 2011 Ericeira became a World Surfing Reserve, through the consecration by the organization Save the Waves Coalition. It is therefore the 2nd Reserve distinguished at the world level and the 1st in Europe.

Consecration of Ericeira as a World Surfing Reserve

If you are distracted and don't know what criteria you need to be a world surfing reserve then this text is for you. The strong quality and consistency of its waves, the importance of the Surfing culture for the Local Community and also the wealth and environmental sensitivity of the area in question are the most important points for a location to be recognized as a World Surfing Reserve. Every year, thousands of surfers travel to Ericeira in search of the best waves of their life, and have you already come to visit us?

The 7 Wonders of the World Surfing Reserve

With a coastal strip of 4 kilometers, Ericeira includes seven waves with unique characteristics (Pedra Branca, Reef, Ribeira d'Ilhas, Cave, Crazy Left, Coxos and São Lourenço), each with a different level of demand. Whatever your surfing level, you'll have the opportunity to have fun in Ericeira. If you are a beginner in the world of surfing, you will be able to count on several schools to help you. If surfing is your thing, peaks will not be lacking, but remember, in Ericeira there are three watchwords: Respect, Preserve and Enjoy!

When to Visit the Reserve?

Ericeira has several waves for all surfing levels and as such the best time to visit the Reserve depends on your surfing level. If you are a Beginner Surfer, the best time to visit Ericeira is undoubtedly summer, from May to September. At this point, the sea ends up providing perfect waves, but small and with less force than in winter, which turns out to be great if you want to have fun putting your feet on a surfboard for the first time. Never forget that you shouldn't start your journey as a surfer alone and that's why you have to look for help and in Ericeira there are numerous surf schools available to help you. If you are a surfer with a good level, the best time to visit Ericeira is between October and March, where the waves end up entering the Reserve with great force and with several perfect swells, with OffShore winds, thus bringing perfect waves all over the Jagoza land. It is important to remember that both during the winter and summer seasons, the waters of Ericeira are cold and as such it is necessary to use a good wetsuit in 90% of situations so that you can enjoy the best waves in Europe for a long time.

The best surfers

Big names in the world of Surfing and Bodyboard such as Kelly Slater, John John Florence, Nic Von Rupp, Pierre-Louis-Costes, among many others, have already enjoyed several waves in Ericeira, among them one of the most dangerous in Europe and the world, the Cave! In 2013 we had the opportunity to watch an incredible surf session by Hawaiian John John Florence at Cave and in 2015 it was Kelly Slater's turn to surf and enjoy the consistent tubes that this wave has to offer. But the Reserve is not just about consistent waves, as mentioned, even the least experienced surfer can have fun in Ericeira, surfing! There are numerous surf schools in the region that have professionals in the area, willing to teach you the best that the surfing world has to offer.

The importance of being sustainable

But it's not just about surfing, it's a World Reserve and over the last ten years we've come to realize that! The importance of ecological and environmental values has a great relevance around the Ericeira community. There are countless actions by various associations that value and aim to deal with the environment in Ericeira. Garbage collection on the beaches of Ericeira is one of the most watched actions nowadays and this is very important to be done, not only in Ericeira but all over the world! In farewell tone, it's time to leave the appeal to you and to all those who visit Ericeira World Surfing Reserve. Come discover and enjoy the second World Surfing Reserve and the first in Europe, but don't forget: Respect, enjoy and preserve so that next time you can enjoy the best that Ericeira has to offer.
